ラ リ グ ラ ン ス ク ラ ブ
Laligurans Club













  ホームページを見ていただき 多くの方々のご理解とご協力を得られる事を願っています。

               ラリグランスクラブ代表 五十嵐園子 記

              You will see thousand of children who are always hungry and who are not given the opportunities to learn at school if you travel around Nepal. It’s because of the political instability . You can also find such children in Baniyatar and Kotonjhe, the poor suburban villages of Katmandu, the capital of Nepal.
     Our club, Laligurans Club, dedicates our supports such as foods and educational assistance to the poorest children and women living in Baniyatar and Kotonjhe .

              We focus on these 4 core activities to make their lives better.
1.       Scholarship Program
2.       Knitting Program
3.       Boardinghouse for visually handicapped children

     In order to manage these activities, we are organizing the next 3 major fund-raising events.
* We collect contributions.
 * We sell products made in Nepal.
* We teach knitting to women in Baniyatar, and we sell them.

      Thank you very much for browsing our website. We hope we can share our concerns with you. We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

                Sonoko Igarashi- Representative, Laligurans Club